Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Agenda 10/22 and 24

Continue with the Mock Interview Exercise.

This assignment is designed to improve your listening skills during an interview. You need to take good accurate notes about what the person tells you in order to write a fair and accurate story of what happened.

You will receive a piece of paper that explains your character (the role you are representing). On that paper will be a fake name and a fake scenario of a news event that may have occurred over the summer. You need to be creative and "become" that person. Someone will be sent to interview you about this news event that you were a part of.

You will also receive a piece of paper explaining people you will need to seek out to interview for this story. You need to come up with interview questions to make sure you obtain all of the facts to be able to write an accurate news story.

Your news story needs to be about 200 words long and must include all the important facts. You must include quotes obtained from at least two sources.

Things I will be looking for:

* Accurate facts - including spelling of names, towns, etc.
* Proper use of direct and indirect quotes (punctuation)
* Short, concise wording of sentences
* Proper referencing of names throughout the article
* Objectivity
* Use of third person

*DO NOT show the person who is interviewing you your slip of paper. They need to obtain all facts through interviewing.

Write up your 200 word story. Share your stories with your team. Then exchange your stories with the team you interviewed.

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